Bibliographic Metadata
- TitleDe-constructing Food : Thoughts on the Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food Workshop
- Author
- Is part ofinsightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) Issue 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 13-18 (6 pages)
- Keywords
Over a year after the Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food workshop (5 and 6 May 2022) at Technisches Museum Wien, the first Journal on Gender and Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures is published. The introduction reflects on food and eating as a situated, context-dependent and constantly changing practice and gives insights into the contributions of the issue. The common thread is deconstruction in the sense of questioning self-evident facts, as well as the diversity of constructive, formative and empowering moments in queer-feminist engagements with eating and nutrition practices and their communication.
Sophie Gerber is a historian of technology and has been working at Technisches Museum Wien since 2019, where she is in charge of the domestic technology and food, their expansion and documentation. She also works on strategies for diversity-oriented, gender-informed collecting, exhibiting, educating, and research in science and technology museums. 2014 PhD in the project "Objects of Energy Consumption" of Deutsches Museum and TU Munich. Her research interests include gender and queer studies, material culture, and intersections between the history of technology, consumption, and everyday life.
Sophie Kühnlenz is a public historian working at the intersections of museum and gender studies on gender-informed museum discourses. She is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Department of History, University of Erfurt, Germany. Among others, she was Scholar-in-Residence at the Technisches Museum Wien and Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History(C2DH), University of Luxembourg. Her research interests include empirical historical culture and museum research as well as science and technology, gender and queer studies.
Sophie Gerber, Sophie Kühnlenz, “De-constructing Food. Thoughts on the Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food Workshop”, insightOut. Journal on Gender and Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, 1(2023), 13–18, DOI: 10.60531/insightout.2023.1.2