13 Neuzugänge
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„In the name of Fett“. Ein kuratorisches Spiel
Daldon, AnaIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 79-83 (5 Seiten)Case Study: Food, Drink, and Community Building in a Women’s Museum
Porteous, HollyIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 53-57 (5 Seiten)Lunchables. About the Connection of Food and Class
Hagemann, Philipp ; Wagner, AlexanderIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 69-78 (10 Seiten)Lunchables. Über den Zusammenhang von Essen und Klasse
Hagemann, Philipp ; Wagner, AlexanderIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 53-68 (16 Seiten)Butta la Pastiche! Camp Visions and National Palates
Tavakoli, SaharIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 30-36 (7 Seiten)Seeking the Absent Potential: When Food and Intersectionality Meetup in the Museum
Williams-Forson, PsycheIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 37-52 (16 Seiten)De-constructing Food
Thoughts on the Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food WorkshopGerber, Sophie ; Kühnlenz, SophieIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 13-18 (6 Seiten)What Future for Queer Cows?
Hammett, NaomiIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 19-29 (11 Seiten)Essen de-konstruieren
Überlegungen zum Workshop Feminist and Queer Perspectives on FoodGerber, Sophie ; Kühnlenz, SophieIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 7-12 (6 Seiten)Foreword
Aufreiter, Peter ; Griesser-Stermscheg, MartinaIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 5-6 (2 Seiten)Vorwort
Aufreiter, Peter ; Griesser-Stermscheg, MartinaIn: insightOut. Journal on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, (2023) H. 1. Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 3-4 (2 Seiten)