DOI 10.60531/INSIGHTOUT.2023.1.3| WILLIAMS-FORSON: SEEKING THE ABSENT POTENTIAL_ INSIGHTOUT 1(2023) 44because of the research and interpretive work conducted there. But, we also gathered data from other plantations in the Chesapeake region, given thatrecent historical and archeological approaches hadbrought to light scholarly evidence on the daily livesof the enslaved and those landowners who benefitedfrom the institution of slavery.Fig. 1: Faux fish. Photo taken by the author, 2016.So, the exhibition begins with an illustration of howslave labour was operationalised in the eighteenthcentury along the seacoast. Mount Vernon’s locationon the river not only influenced what foods the Washington family were able to enjoy but also wouldhave had an impact on the busyness of the servantsand staff as they prepared for any guests who mightvisit. In the inchoate society of the 1700s, those enslaved were expected to perform a wide range of jobsthat were hard, laborious, and unrelieved by timeof day. These were the stories that had to go intothe interpretation, and I had to rely upon historicaldocuments, paintings, and other art owned by theWashington estate, documentaries, Washington’splanter diaries, and my own research on Black women and food to tell an intricate, yet complex andpowerful story.By January 2016, we had settled on the penultimatetitle, Fire& Freedom: Food& Enslavement in EarlyAmerica,because enslavement was hellacious, andthe word“fire” reflected the contradictions embedded in the hearth as a place for cooking and alsofor administering terror. Having settled on this, webegan pulling out the elements we needed to lookat them together as classes of information and forconsistency, length, and messaging. There were sixbanners in all, and each had a title, text, and a focusstatement to capture the viewer’s attention. Thesewere pulled from the banner text I had written. Lastly, they contained an image and caption titles. Theexhibition contained three products—a cluster of travelling banners that were initially set up in the mainhall of the NLM at the National Insitute of Health; alarger set of the same banners that were installedimmediately outside the library entrance as well asinside; and, display cases.Exhibition Design—Banners and Display CasesIt is difficult to tell a messy story in a linear way.However, exhibitions are by nature hierarchical inhow the information is presented, so as to enable audiences to digest the content. And though we werenot presenting this interpretation chronologically, wedid want it to flow smoothly and to tell several overlapping stories. So, we began designing the banners,banner texts, call-out sentences, captions, and caption titles with Mount Vernon as the anchor primarilyFig. 2:Fire& Freedomtraveling banner display in the mainhall of the NLM. Photo taken by the author, 2016.