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Within the realm of possibilities : Reflections on the workshop Diverse Infrastructures? Gender, Queer & the Foundations of Society
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DOI 10.60531/INSIGHTOUT.2024.2.4| GERBER: IM RAHMEN DER MÖGLICHKEITEN_ INSIGHTOUT 2(2024) 13 Sophie Gerber Within the realm of possibilities Reflections on the workshop Diverse Infrastructures? Gender, Queer& the Foundations of Society ABSTRACT The second issue of the Journal on Gender and Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures brings together the contributions to the workshop Diverse Infrastructures? Gender, Queer& the Foundations of Society (6 to 8 September 2023) at Technisches Museum Wien. The syn­thesis of interdisciplinary perspectives from museums, research and art reveals the complexity and social relevance of infrastructures as well as the challenges and opportunities for mu­seums. CV Sophie Gerber is a historian of technology and has been working at Technisches Museum Wien since 2019, where she is in charge of the domestic technology and food collections, their expansion and documentation. She also works on strategies for diversity-oriented, gender-in­formed collecting, exhibiting, educating, and research in science and technology museums. 2014 PhD in the project"Objects of Energy Consumption" of Deutsches Museum and TU Mu­nich. Her research interests include gender and queer studies, material culture, and intersecti­ons between the history of technology, consumption, and everyday life. KEYWORDS Museum, Gender, Infrastructures, Workshop Sophie Gerber,Within the realm of possibilities. Reflections on the workshop Diverse Infras­tructures? Gender, Queer& the Foundations of Society , insightOut. Journal on Gender and Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures , 2(2024), 12–17, DOI: 10.60531/insightout.2024.2.4 DOI: 10.60531/insightout.2024.2.4 Published under license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0