DOI 10.60531/INSIGHTOUT.2024.2.4| GERBER: IM RAHMEN DER MÖGLICHKEITEN_ INSIGHTOUT 2(2024) 17Lia QuirinaandVal Holfeldchose to address our to-pic in a performative and playful way. In their‘Hiddenin Structure’ workshop, they drew the participants’attention to the infrastructures within the Museum,inviting them to question them. In their contributionthey reflect on this approach.The overview illustrates the fact that the contribu-tions not only show what the invisible power of in-frastructures means for everyday life, society andthe individual and what possibilities and restrictionsare derived from it. They posit numerous suggestionsacross the disciplines on how to make supposedlyrigid structures visible, to question them, and to ex-plore future options. These approaches can then bebrought to fruition for research, mediation and ex-hibition projects and the‘framework of possibilities’perhaps broken open as a result.