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Smart City Transition : A Gendered Lens on Analysing Mobility Challenges among Marginalized Citizens in Hong Kong
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DOI 10.60531/INSIGHTOUT.2024.2.8| LAI: SMART CITY TRANSITION_ INSIGHTOUT 2(2024) 55 Question 4.3 app crashes or technical glitches payment or billing problems excessive battery or data usage difficulties in using app features inaccurate tracking of services limited availability or services poor customer service Statistical method: chi-squared test Pearson chi-squared value Degree of freedom 0.180 1 1.576 1 0.860 1 0.822 1 0.025 1 5.535 1 4.410 1 Significance value 0.672 0.209 0.354 0.365 0.873 0.019* 0.036* Question 6f 15 Statistical method: independent sample t-test t-value Degree of freedom -1.373 134 3.889 120.742 Two-sided probability 0.172 <0.001* *indicating significant difference(smaller than 0.05) Table 3: Results of the statistical analysis regarding the effect of gender on access to SBMS Males tend to face more of these two problems than females, implying more usage of shared mobility ser­vices by males than females. 32 Fig. 7: Problems faced when using mobile apps for smartphone-based mobility services When participants were asked to evaluate whether mobility services are still accessible without a smart­phone, the result in table 3(Q6f) shows there is no significant difference between genders. The mean values of males(M=2.92, SD=1.159) and females (M=3.17, SD=1.006) also show no observable tenden­cy towards the statement. However, gendered differ­32 K. Turo ń ,Car-Sharing Systems in Smart Cities: A Review of the Most Important Issues Related to the Functioning of the Systems in Light of the Scientific Research, Smart Cities , 6/2(2023), 796–808.