DOI 10.60531/INSIGHTOUT.2023.1.4| HAMMETT: WHAT FUTURE FOR QUEER COWS?_ INSIGHTOUT 1(2023) 20 Naomi Hammett What Future for Queer Cows? ABSTRACT Drawing on queer theory and fat studies, in particular Lee Edelmans No Future and his con­cept ofreproductive futurism, I argue that dairy cows can be considered queer because they queer concepts ofnature andculture. I argue that cows are caught up in their ownreproduc­tive futurism as the prevailing ideology of the dairy industry is that each successive generation of cows should be bigger and produce more milk. Climate change presents a challenge for the dairy industry and one response from milk suppliers has been to require farmers to complete a carbon footprint, which I argue reproduces current and historic ideologies by its focus on productivity. Imaginings of sustainable futures, I argue, also use ideas of productivity but of plants and soil being productive cows often having no places in these futures because they are seen as notnatural. I use speculative fiction to imagine what good futures for dairy cows could look like. CV Naomi Hammett is a fourth year PhD candidate at Lancaster University in the Sociology de­partment. Her research focus is on dairy farms in North West England and their response to climate change and the drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with a particular focus on the narratives and practices relating to the lives and futures of cows. Naomi works predomi­nantly within the field of Science and Technology Studies. She holds an MA in Environment, Society and Culture and a BA in History. She has had a previous career as a primary school teacher. Naomi can be contacted at: KEYWORDS Cows, Climate Shange, Multispecies Research, STS, Queer Theory, Fat Studies Naomi Hammett,What Future for Queer Cows?, insightOut. Journal on Gender and Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, 1(2023), 19–29, DOI: 10.60531/insightout.2023.1.4 DOI: 10.60531/insightout.2023.1.4 Published under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0